Thursday, July 5, 2007

This is why I started a blog in the first place

I was tired of seeing my predictions come true without getting enough of an opportunity for em to say "I told you so," and sick of seeing my ideas being spouted as fresh long after I had come up with them.
A case in point. There was an article in the Wall Street Journal today about how Mr. Rogers is responsible for the increased sense of entitlement in Americans that have grown up in the past twenty five years. It was true, but it was annoying to see my theory of childern's self-esteem building television in a major newspaper before I had published it anywhere myself.
My theory is that Barney is a particularly egregious culprit of building excessive, unfounded, unmerited, unshakeable senses of entitlement. That is why there is such a sharp downturn in the propriety of behavior one sees amongst people just a few years younger than I am. I suspect that my cohort, those born in the early eighties, started saying "what's wrong with kids today?" younger than any generatiin in history. There is a clear, easily seen difference in behavior in those that thought Barney was for babies and those that watched it.
And I would wager anything that Barney watching will eventually be found to have a strong correlation with property crimes, since it raised a whole generation to believe that sharing is a moral obligation, and that those that won't share are bad enough people that they are beyond the bounds of society.